Serverless Function
for large scale APIs

Scale Node.js APIs based on Serverless Function as they should be. We give you the ability to scale serverless function indefinitely and deploy with confidence.

How it works

The ultimate Serverless Function

Fleet Function runs serverless functions in a secure Node.js runtime to avoid cold start issues and accept multiple requests on the same instance. Teams can easily scale their APIs based on concurrency and asynchronous limits, lowering per-request costs.



Make a deployment to the stage dev, a URL will be created automatically.


Promote Production

Confidently promote stage deployment to production using rules like canary deployment.


Request fastest

Request functions via HTTP and running with near-zero cold starts, built on top of Node.js and secure.


Large Scale

Functions run as a Node.js environment, scaled asynchronously and concurrently.

  • Zero server

    Don't worry about keeping a 24/7 server online.

  • Auto-Scale

    Its functions are invoked to 0 and N.

  • Pay for use

    Costs are made based on the resources you use.

  • Simplify DevOps

    There is no need to configure infrastructure or handle containers.

Designed for developers

Easy-to-use and ecosystem-friendly APIs

We spend time and suffering from the right abstractions so your teams don't have to spend time dealing with infrastructure or spend months setting up the APIs environment and infrastructure.

Read the docs

Simply easy to create APIs

The creation of APIs is similar to how you create routes using express.js or fastify.js.

See examples

Easy to start

Quickly build APIs in a matter of seconds and you can use them production-ready globally.

Get started

import {User} from './User.model';
export default async (req, res) => {const user = await User.get(req.query.userId);
return res.send(user);}
$fleet --prod
>Deploying ~/users-sls to the project acme-users>>Read! Deployed
Why Fleet

Platform end-to-end

Serverless function technology from end to end with the platform for deployments, metrics, workflow...

  • Metrics built in

    Track usage, performance and errors on your functions.

  • Secrets

    Add sensitive environment variables that are only available for your functions.

  • Team

    Organize your team by projects to simplify workflows and permissions.

Platform for serverless functions
Fleet Function, fastest and safely

Preview deployments

For each new deployment a new URL is assigned to your deployment for preview use.

  • Continuous Deployment

    Build your own deployment workflow using GitHub Actions to deploy to Fleet.

  • Deployment history

    With each new deployment, a url is created that can be used to share with your team or serve as a test endpoint.

  • Quick Rollbacks

    Quickly rollback deployments with code failures with immediate effect in production.

Fleet Traffic Shifting

Fleet Traffic Shifting

Critical microservices and APIs that meet a large scale of user demand is critical and cannot fail due to bugs in the code. The main adoption of mitigation is canary deployments.

  • Automation rules

    Automate your canary implantations based on traffic data to decrease monitoring and mitigate errors from expensive deployments.

  • Manual traffic control

    Perform manual traffic control as you get more data.

  • Monitoring

    Monitor traffic to make the best decisions and adjust the rules to your reality.

Learn more about Traffic Shifting

Fleet Traffic Shifting, flow of creating traffic change and adding rules

Create faster solutions with functions

Use the Fleet to build your critical services that require resilience, high demand, low cost and high speed with our technology.

  • JAMstack


    Enrich the JAMstack ecosystem using functions

  • Microservices


    Build your service fleet on serverless functions

  • Micro APIs


    Build your product's APIs on serverless functions

  • Data Processing


    Orchestrate background functions for data processing

Start building quickly and scale its free