
This session gives a consolidated overview of how Fleet deployments are made.

As a support for Fleet Serverless Function technology to allow you and your team to deploy your functions to the Fleet cloud, you use the Fleet CLI and the fleet.yml configuration file to tell Fleet how to deploy your functions, you can check out our quick guide to deploying a function.

Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions

The continuous deployment is super important to improve the flow of a team of developers or an organization to send changes to production and develop various stages of deployment. Fleet makes it possible for you to use GitHub Actions to deploy directly from GitHub. Start deploying!

Production deployments

By default when a new deployment is made Fleet does not define the target for production, you have a few ways to do this:

  • During deployment via CLI
  • Defining an existing deployment as a target for production

When you are deploying via CLI you can set the option of --prod or -p to define the deployment as a target for production.

Defining an existing deployment as a target for production via UI, in the Deployments tab, you can select a deployment and define it as a target for production.

Preview Deployments

With each new deployment running fleet on your command line, a new unique URL for preview deployment is generated that you can use to share with your co-workers, developers or QA for testing, the production domain is aimed at the candidate deployment, you can automate and create your flow of deployments using Fleet Traffic Shifting to confidently choose deployment based on rules for canary deployments.

  • Deploy
  • URL for preview is created
  • Configure traffic change to automate deployments
  • Deployment candidate in production