Fleet Function

Fleet Function

Fleet Function is a next generation of serverless function for Node.js.

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Fleet Function, fastest and safely

Serverless functions for fast and critical services for Node.js

Fleet is a Function as a Service technology that solves problems known as cold starting, allows you to build fast services that are critical in response time.

Functions over VM

Each function per VM

Each function per VM

Functions over Isolates

Hundreds of isolated functions per process

Hundreds of isolated functions per process

How it works

Fleet Function is a serverless function technology, which automatically scales its functions to 0 and N according to the number of requests that your function receives, runs in an isolated environment in Node.js that eliminates cold starting, you can control the asynchronous limit of function to adjust the rate that a function can handle requests at a time as well as the concurrency limit.

  • V8 Isolates

    Node.js uses the V8 engine under the hood to interpret and execute JavaScript code. V8 has a concept of isolates that allows JavaScript code to run safely in browsers.

  • Use Isolates to perform functions

    Fleet uses isolates to perform thousands of functions in a single but safe process with isolated memory.

  • Invoke functions fastest

    Fleet can provision functions much more quickly almost eliminating cold starts and isolates have less memory consumption.

Learn more about how our technology works

Designed for developers

Easy-to-use and ecosystem-friendly APIs

We spend time and suffering from the right abstractions so your teams don't have to spend time dealing with infrastructure or spend months setting up the APIs environment and infrastructure.

Read the docs

Simply easy to create APIs

The creation of APIs is similar to how you create routes using express.js or fastify.js.

See examples

Easy to start

Quickly build APIs in a matter of seconds and you can use them production-ready globally.

Get started

import {User} from './User.model';
export default async (req, res) => {const user = await User.get(req.query.userId);
return res.send(user);}
$fleet --prod
>Deploying ~/users-sls to the project acme-users>>Read! Deployed

What can you do with Fleet Function?

Fleet functions allow your company to scale quickly and not worry about infrastructure or cold start problems like other serverless providers.

  • JAMstack


    Enrich the JAMstack ecosystem using functions

  • Microservices


    Build your service fleet on serverless functions

  • Micro APIs


    Build your product's APIs on serverless functions

  • Data Processing


    Orchestrate background functions for data processing

Start building quickly and scale its free